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Achieve Higher Managed Service Profits with Software-defined Networking and Cloud Security

July 31, 4:00-6:00 PM PT
ChannelCon, The Venetian Resort, Las Vegas, NV

Join Us!

ControlOne eliminates VPNs and firewalls, protects against lateral attacks, and ensures compliance. It is also specifically built to deliver a managed service that increases profits by 40% for MSPs. Join us for this informative ChannelCon pre-day breakout and learn about the powerful features and benefits of this software-defined networking and cloud security platform. We will also show you how to sell ControlOne's benefits to your clients and leverage the platform to build new, compelling, profitable levels of managed services. Lastly, we will preview the latest features, such as Azure AD integration, the mobile agent, Teleport, and more. Whether you are new to ControlOne or seeking to leverage this powerful managed services platform further to grow your business, this breakout session is for you.